Q41.Is captcha used for?
Ans-Tell Computers and Humans Apart

Q42.Scheme for farmers introduced by PM Narendra Modi?
Ans-Crop Insurance Scheme

Q43.Which forest has the most spread area in India?
Ans-Tropical deciduous forest

Q44.NFC is based on which technology?
Ans-RFID (Radio frequency identification)

Q45.In which year theory of relativity was proposed?

Q46.Is mycology the study of?

Q47.Which country got its independence in 2011?
Ans-South Sudan

Q48.With which sport is the term “hairpin shot/wood shot” associated?

Q49.Who was the first man to reach outer space?
Ans-Yuri Gagarin

Q50.In which year, did women participate in all events of the Olympics for the first time?
Ans-2012 London Olympics

About the Author

nanu brithwal

I'm Nitesh Brithwal Nanu , An Indian Engineer who is passionate about technology , current affairs , general Knowledge & programming . Constantly learning and experiencing new things.

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