Q11.What was the original name of Santa Claus?
Ans-St. Nicolas

Q12.Who is called the “greatest investigator of antiquity”?

Q13.Who was the 1st Calipha?
Ans-Abu Bakr

Q14.Who is known as the “Lady with the Lamp”?
Ans-Helen Keller

Q15.Who is the Duchess of Cornwall?

Q16.Who said, “I am the State”?
Ans-Louis XIV of France

Q17.When was the 1st of the Geneva Conventions on the treatment of war victims adopted?

Q18.Who discovered the sea router to India?

Q19.What is “Reformation”?
Ans-The revolt against authority of pope

Q20.”The three Emperors’ league”, 1873 was known as
Ans-Dreikaiserbund treaty

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About the Author

nanu brithwal

I'm Nitesh Brithwal Nanu , An Indian Engineer who is passionate about technology , current affairs , general Knowledge & programming . Constantly learning and experiencing new things.

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