251 Who was the first man on the moon? Neil Armstrong.
252 What is peristalsis? Peristalsis is a type of movement occurring in the hollow organs of animals, which causes their contents to be pushed ahead.
253 What are the main differences between an Indian elephant and an African elephant? The African elephant is much larger in size. Its ears as well as tusks are larger than those of an Indian elephant.
254 What is it that silkworms weave around themselves? Cocoon.
255 Why did Dr. Lister use carbolic acid to cover wounds? To prevent infection.
256 What is the juice of the rubber plant called? Latex
257 Why does the ostrich eat sand or gravel? To digest its food.
258 Which discovery made soap-making a big industry? It was discovered (in 1787) that caustic soda can be made from common salt. Since soap is made from caustic soda and fat, manufacturing soap became cheaper.
259 Who invented the Gramophone? Thomas Alva Edison
260 Which is the largest living bird? Ostrich.
261 Why didn’t the British plant rubber in England? Rubber grows only in tropical countries.
262 Why do tigers turn into man-eaters? When tigers become old or are incapacitated because of injury, they prey on human beings. A tiger that has preyed on man and has tasted human flesh often continues to prey on man.
263 What was called Penny-farthing? The cycle whose front wheel was much larger than the rear wheel. It was invented by James Starley. It was derisively named penny-farthing after the largest and smallest English copper coins of the period.
264 Why does not the moon have an atmosphere? Even if it had some atmosphere, its mass is so low that gravity on the surface is not enough to retain the atmosphere.
265 Name the animal that has the largest eyes in the world? The Atlantic Giant Squid, about 30 cm wide.
266 Who invented the four-stroke Motorcar engine? Nikolaus Otto.
267 What are meteorites? They are rocks or pieces of rocks that enter the atmosphere and are usually burnt out before landing on earth. Some large meteorites can crash against the surface of the earth and cause damage.
268 What did ancient Romans think lightning was? Jupiter’s weapon.
269 Are the soldier ants male or female? They are all female.
270 What is the nest of a penguin made of? Pebbles.
271 What are the characteristics of a parasitic plant? They cannot produce their own food and obtain food from other sources.
272 What keeps the sun so hot? A reaction similar to that of a hydrogen bomb takes place continuously in the sun. Two atoms of hydrogen fuse at high temperatures to form an atom of helium. Immense heat is released in this reaction.
273 What is meant by Binary System? We carry out everyday calculations, using the decimal system, with the numbers 1 to 9 and zero. The binary system uses only two numbers 0 and 1. An electric current can be switched on and off using off for 0 and on for 1. Any number can be represented in the binary system.
274 Which was the first spaceship launched by man? Sputnik-I, launched by the Russians
275 What kind of nests do owls build? They don’t build nests. They use hollows in trees for laying eggs.
276 Why is polished rice less healthy than unpolished
The husk of food grains (rice, wheat, etc) has Vitamins, much of which are lost when the grains are polished.
277 Which Psychologist devised the IQ test? Alfred Binet.
278 Who discovered Radium? Pierre and Marie Curie.
279 What is the approximate temperature deep inside the sun? 14 million degrees C.
280 What are Epiphytic plants? Plants that grow on other plants for support. These plants however do not take nourishment from the host.
281 Sometimes the eagle spits out pellets from its mouth. What are they? Bones and fur of the prey that are left after the food is digested.
282 What does a ruminant mean? Ruminant is an animal that chews its cud and has a four-chambered stomach. When food is swallowed by a ruminant, it passes into the rumen or paunch, where it is stored, while the animal eats. Chewing and digestion are carried out at leisure. The food passes from the rumen to the reticulum, where it is formed into small masses and pushed up to the mouth to be chewed. When it is swallowed a second time it takes a different route. Gastric digestion takes place and the food passes into the intestine.
283 Who discovered the Planet Uranus? Sir William Herschel.
284 Who invented Television? John Logic Baird.
285 How do dolphins communicate with each other? By producing screeching sounds.
286 Who was the first woman to travel in space? Valentina Tereshkova.
287 What are clouds made of? Tiny droplets of ice or water.
288 What is the disease that causes dogs to turn mad? Rabies.
289 Who conducted the first controlled fission reaction (that led to the making of the atom bomb)? Enrico Fermi.
290 Which was the first satellite launched by India? Aryabhata, in 1975.
291 What is Dry Ice? Solid Carbon Dioxide.
292 Who invented the Radio? G. Marconi (Jagadis Chandra Bose has also been credited with this discovery but his claim has not been recognised).
293 What was the theory of the atom put forward by Rutherford? Rutherford put forward the theory that every atom consists of a tiny nucleus with a positive charge, surrounded by electrons. The electrons are far apart from the nucleus and from one another.
294 Of which element is diamond made of? Carbon.
295 The Pit Viper has poor eyesight. Yet it can locate its prey accurately. How? It has heat sensory cells in the pits between the eye and the nostril, which detect warm-blooded animals.
296 Who first propounded the theory of Evolution of Man? Charles Darwin.
297 From which elements is steel made? Iron and Carbon.
298 Which instrument is used for measuring humidity? Hygrometer.
299 If you speak loudly on the moon, approximately how far can your voice travel? Sound waves need a medium in which they can travel. The atmosphere on the moon is negligible. Hence your voice cannot travel any distance.
300 What is the difference between Toads and Frogs? Toads have a dry warty skin while frogs have a smooth moist skin.


About the Author

nanu brithwal

I'm Nitesh Brithwal Nanu , An Indian Engineer who is passionate about technology , current affairs , general Knowledge & programming . Constantly learning and experiencing new things.

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