General knowledge questions and answers

Q1. The largest gold producing country in the world(in 2006) is-

Ans- South Africa.


Q2. The iron and steel industries of which of the following countries are almost fully dependent on imported raw materials?

Ans- Japan.


Q3. Durand Cup is associated with the game of-

Ans- Football.


Q4. The 13th Asian Games were held in-

Ans- Bangkok.


Q5. The main crops of Arunachal Pradesh?

Ans- Rice, maize, millet, wheat, mustard.


Q6.Which UN agencies has its headquarters in Paris?



Q7. In which decade was the transistor invented?

Ans- 1940s


Q8. Who made them first “CORN FLAKES”?

Ans- Kellogg.


Q9. The first women to climb Mt. Everest was-

Ans- Junko Taibei.


Q10. The islands of Seychelles are located in the-

Ans- Indian Ocean.

Q11. The Intel 8080 was a____ calculator chip.

Ans- jazzed-up.


Q12. The dance encouraged and performance from the temple of Tanjore was-

Ans- Bharatanatyam.


Q13. Mina is the tribe of-

Ans- Rajasthan.


Q14. Where did Yashpal Sharma play his last ODI match?

Ans- Chandigarh.


Q15. George Bernard Shaw, the great dramatist, was-

Ans- an Irishman.

About the Author

nanu brithwal

I'm Nitesh Brithwal Nanu , An Indian Engineer who is passionate about technology , current affairs , general Knowledge & programming . Constantly learning and experiencing new things.

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